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“Selet-Aznakay” intellectual, sports and tourist session presents the opportunity for the gifted children of the Aznakayevsky district to immerse into the versatile “Selet” world.
“Rukhiyat” creative and dramatic specialized session is a launch pad for fulfilling of the creative potential of gifted children and talented youth in the sphere of arts and culture.
“Selet-Batyr” is the camp for those who are interested in languages and art. It is located in the village of Kzyl-Chishma of the Batyrevsky district of the Republic of Chuvashia.
Dates: early August – late August
Participants: schoolchildren of grades 5-11
The programme of the “Selet-Shakhes” specialized educational summer camp is aimed at developing the creativity in children and at educating competitive individuals.
Participants: schoolchildren of grades 5-11
“Selet-Tel” linguistic session was held for the first time in 2009 at the “Zvezdnyj” children’s recreation centre.
“Selet-Raushan” summer session of the “Fensar” Academy for Intellectually Gifted Youth
is a specialized summer session for schoolchildren – winners of Olympiads, conferences and competitions.
The aim of the project is to support the children and youth who are interested in computer science.
Bilyar Kalasy
“Selet-Bilyar Kalasy” is a summer session that is aimed at educating versatile and socially active children and youth through familiarizing the schoolchildren with the origins of their national culture.
Dates: August
Participants: schoolchildren of grades 8-11, counselors of “Selet” specialized summer sessions
“Selet-Arshan” is a specialized summer session for gifted children and youth of the Republic of Tatarstan, which has been carried out since 1998 on the coast of the Black Sea.
Bailar Sabasy
“Selet-Bailar Sabasy” is an intellectual session, which is held on the territory of the Sabinsky
municipal district.